
Go to The Canteen During Class Time?!

       Orientation After doing the test in the morning, we were given assignments by Ms. Yuni to go out of class. I left the classroom with Asya, Ica, Reina and Anin at 8.22am. We go out of class to look for objects that shouldn't be there. Event 1 We walked to the canteen while talking. Arriving at the canteen, we met Safety and Nake who were working on assignments from Ms. Yuni. We stopped by the canteen for a while and talked with Safety and Nake too.  Event 2 We left the canteen, then Anin and I walked to the front of the library to take pictures of objects that we thought shouldn't be there. After that, we looked for friends who were previously with us. We met Asya and Ica who were walking in front of the teacher's toilet near the mechanical engineering workshop.  Event 3 At 08.31 Anin and I met Safety, Nake, and Reina who were sitting and talking on a bench in front of the mechanical engineering workshop, then we joined them. We decided back to the ca...

Yellow Trash Can For Students and Teachers

Identification       The trash can is an object that is often found in every corner of SMK N 4 Semarang. It is used to hold garbage before being diverted to a landfill. The trash can itself has various shapes and colors. Description 1       The photo above was taken in the corner of the school, precisely behind the c ooperative. The trash can is yellow. Made of plastic and has two black wheels. In the middle there is a white and Krisbow-branded garbage disposal logo. Description 2       Inside there is a lot of plastic waste. It's mostly transparent but there are also green, yellow, and orange ones. Brown oil paper waste and white book paper are also in it. Description 3       Many students dispose of garbage there because of its strategic position so it is easy to reach. Most of them contain used plastic waste, torn book paper, and packs of heavy food or fried foods. Near the trash can there is also a physics lab used for the ...

About The Descriptive Text

Helloo everyone ‼️ Pada blog kali ini aku bakal ngejelasin apa aja yang udah aku pelajarin di mapel Bahasa Inggris hari Rabu, tanggal 24 Januari 2024. Let’s goo!!! πŸ“Œ  Pengertian Teks deskripsi adalah sebuah teks yang menggambarkan atau menjelaskan gambaran sesuatu secara rinci, untuk membuat pembaca seolah-olah dapat melihat, merasakan, mendengar, ataupun memahami objek yang dijelaskan dalam teks. πŸ“Œ  Struktur Teks a) Identifikasi -> bagian awal dari teks deskripsi, pada bagian ini berisi pernyataan umum mengenai objek yang akan dideskripsikan. b) Deskripsi -> bagian inti dari teks yang berisi pengembangan atau perincian tenteng objek yang dijelaskan. c) Konklusi -> bagian yang berisi kesimpulan dan kesan penulis terhadap objek yang telah dijelaskan sebelumnya. Konklusi ini bersifat opsional, sehingga dapat ditulis maupun tidak ditulis. πŸ“Œ  Social Function a) Untuk mendeskripsikan orang Untuk mendeskripsikan orang dalam teks deskripsi dapat berupa ciri fisik, si...

Sumatif English

  Today I am doing a summative English assessment. The day before I was given a question and had to answer the question and then today I took a video to answer the question I had written orally. I got a change to answer questions number 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 12, 13, 16, 18, 20. Here is my video : THANK U!!

todayy is…

  Hiiii everyonee Hari ini aku sama temen-temen belajar bahasa Inggris tentang suggestion bareng Ms. Debby. Pertama-tama kita diberi materi dulu sama Ms. Debby, terus dilanjut tugas kelompok yaitu menulis dialog dan membacakan dialog tersebut didepan teman-teman. Dari tugas itu kita bisa belajar pronunciation. Kita jadi tau cara pengucapan yang benar dan yang salah. Overall today is fun and i love it! πŸ’žπŸ€πŸ’—

h-3 PTS!??

  Heeloooww everyone Hari ini adalah kelas bahasa inggris terakhir bareng Ms. Debby huhu so sad. Jujur deg-degan banget soalnya minggu besok udah mau PTS aja aaaaa takutt.  Oiya tadi aku sama temen-temen belajar bahasa Inggris temanya keluarga. Kita disuruh deskripsiin anggota keluarga kita dihvs. Disuruh gambar juga disebelah deskripsinya. Tadi kita juga disuruh maju satu-satu buat deskripsiin salah satu anggota keluarga kita secara langsung ke Ms. Debby. Tadi aku dapet giliran buat ngedeskripsiin mama. Jujur aku gabisa ngegambarin mama pake kata-kata karena mama spesial banget jadi kalo cuma pake kata-kata itu kaya gabisa huhuhu. Udah dulu yaa semua… makasiii and have a great day everyone!!!😻😻